Data help us to see the world around us. At the neighborhood or community level, local data tell a story of place– shedding light on local conditions, community assets, and needs. Having data and knowledge about local conditions can be essential, as it reflects local conditions in communities and can be used to inform interventions that promote health and well-being. Browse the wealth of data assets found throughout our region.
Mapping Black California
Healthy Places Index
The HPI explores local factors that predict life expectancy and compares community conditions across California. It provides overall scores and detailed data on specific policy action areas that shape health, such as housing, transportation, education, and more. In the Inland Empire, the County of Riverside has set a goal to improve its HPI score by 30 points over the next 30 years.
Spotlight on Inland Empire
This study by Measure of America examines well-being across race, gender, and place in Riverside and San Bernardino counties. The study also provides Human Development Index scores by County and Census Tract.
Vital Conditions Radial Mapping
Health and social determinants are organized into the seven Vital Conditions using radial mapping to illustrate their interconnectedness and impact on well-being.